React Basics 101 Course

About Course

Learn React JS from scratch with hands-on practice assignments and projects.
Categories Web Development

Course Curriculum

Full React Tutorial #1 – Introduction

  • Full React Tutorial #1 – Introduction

Full React Tutorial #2 – Creating a React Application

Full React Tutorial #3 – Components & Templates

Full React Tutorial #4 – Dynamic Values in Templates

Full React Tutorial #5 – Multiple Components

Full React Tutorial #6 – Adding Styles

Full React Tutorial #7 – Click Events

Full React Tutorial #8 – Using State (useState hook)

Full React Tutorial #9 – Intro to React Dev Tools

Full React Tutorial #10 – Outputting Lists

Full React Tutorial #11 – Props

Full React Tutorial #12 – Reusing Components

Full React Tutorial #13 – Functions as Props

Full React Tutorial #14 – useEffect Hook (the basics)

Full React Tutorial #15 – useEffect Dependencies

Full React Tutorial #16 – Using JSON Server

Full React Tutorial #17 – Fetching Data with useEffect

Full React Tutorial #18 – Conditional Loading Message

Full React Tutorial #19 – Handling Fetch Errors

Full React Tutorial #20 – Making a Custom Hook

Full React Tutorial #21 – The React Router

Full React Tutorial #22 – Exact Match Routes

Full React Tutorial #23 – Router Links

Full React Tutorial #24 – useEffect Cleanup

Full React Tutorial #25 – Route Parameters

Full React Tutorial #26 – Reusing Custom Hooks

Full React Tutorial #27 – Controlled Inputs (forms)

Full React Tutorial #28 – Submit Events

Full React Tutorial #29 – Making a POST Request

Full React Tutorial #30 – Programmatic Redirects

Full React Tutorial #31 – Deleting Blogs

Full React Tutorial #32 – 404 Pages & Next Steps


Course Details

Level: All Levels
Duration: 0
Last Updated:January 2, 2022